a little about me

Hello there, I am Simrit Bhatia, the designer and creator of this website and blog - Haus of SB. This website is a collection of all things related to interior decorating, DIY projects, organization, shopping guides, and informative content based on my personal experiences and gathered knowledge over the years.

My goal is to help people create a beautiful, luxurious & budget-friendly oasis for themselves & their loved ones, where they feel the happiest, that reflects their personality, where they feel the most comfortable, and a place they never feel like leaving (in a good way).

Alongside pursuing my passion for interior design, I currently work full-time as a UX designer. It's my passion 2.0 and I love it!
I was born and raised in New Delhi, India and came to Germany in 2018. Like many other Indians who leave their home country for better opportunities, I am just grateful to be living an independent life where I get the chance to pursue my dreams. I am excited to be on this journey and see where it takes me!

Follow my journey along with me on instagram @simritbhatia